Tuesday 11 November 2014

Counsel's Objection - the second novel is here

Of course she can survive without him
or can she?
Sarah injected authority into her voice as she told the Judge why her case was superior, and she should win.
But it would be to no avail. Of all the barristers to oppose her, only Markus could leave her with every ounce of confidence gone… and every single nerve end tingling.
That morning, all her efforts to eliminate the ravishingly handsome face from her mind came to nothing the moment he sat at the bar table. After mysteriously vanishing from the legal world for two years, he had simply materialised as if he had never been out of her life.
She once loved him but he was as secretive as he was unattainable. She must get away altogether from this most irresistible of men.

She could not fall in love again

It is always good to see ones own work in print. 

And here is novel number 2. Oh how sweet that rolls of the tongue, novel number two. 

No longer a debut novel, but no onto the second one. 

Now of course I have to live with the fear of not being able to write novel number 3, 4 and so on. Of course it being NaNoWriMo month I am at least writing everyday on what I think might be novel number three, but who knows. 

For the time being I shall enjoy novel number two being published. 

Happy reading and writing. 

Tuesday 4 November 2014

NaNoWriMo - Day 5

Day 5 is here. Where oh where have the last four gone? Are you travelling ok and have you written your daily word count? If so, congratulations.

If you are a little more like me, having found it difficult over the last five days to find the time to write, do not despair. We still have 25 days to go. Full steam ahead from here.

Don't get me wrong. It is not as though I have not written anything. On the contrary, I have made a start on a new novel. With my romance novel about to hit the bookshelves (Counsel's Objection), I thought I should start another one. It is nice to escape the daily grind of listening to people separate and write about people who fall in love.

I may not have written the daily word count of 1666 words, but when I have not written I have done plenty of imagining. Don't underestimate the power of thinking about what you are going to write about, or what your characters might do or say. This morning I was able to spend five minutes of writing on the new novel and I drew on stuff I had thought of during the last few days when I had not been able to write.

So I have some catching up to do, but I am pleased I have made a start and my story is developing.

I hope you too are writing and working on that next novel.

If you still need some tips to help you along don't forget to visit some of the many useful websites out there for aspiring writers.

Here is just one you might find helpful during times you are stuck.


As the post will not count toward my novel word count I better get back to writing the novel.

Hey writer hey writer hey writer ho, hey writer hey writer write, write writer. :)

Wednesday 29 October 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014

Ready, set, go.

Its is here again.

Are you excited? Nervous? Bursting to get going? Well you only have to wait one more day before you can make that start [would anyone really know if you started a tiny bit earlier?].

Where has the last year gone?

Is it really a year since I participated in the NaNoWriMo last time.

Sadly, whatever I wrote last year has not seen the light of day. But I will not be deterred and try again. What is that saying, try and try again until you succeed?

Have you got your pencil sharpened, or your ink bottle topped up if you write with a fountain pen, or the pens at the ready to give it a go again?

There are plenty of resources and websites to lend a  helping hand. Feel free to comment on what works best for you.

This year what I will try and do I think is write my daily task by hand. For some reason the words tend to flow more freely when writing with the good old fountain pen on paper.

And then the plan is to type up what I have written in the month of December. Perhaps that could be the TypNoMo [type novel month].

Some websites you may find useful are:




and of course


Keeping in theme with our sons current favourite movie [7 Zwerge - a german film]

Hey writers, hey writers, ho, hey writers, hey writers go, go go!

Sunday 31 August 2014

Second edition on the way

Yes, Just and Equitable is up to the second edition stage.

It seems rather a long time ago that Just and Equitable was accepted for publication and yet it is only just over twelve months ago.

The publisher is now doing a second edition run of the book. A new cover has been chosen and joy oh joy, my second book is coming out soon as well.

As they say, it is all happening.

With another editing run over it is time to go back to the drawing board and start on the next book.

Check out the new cover of Just and Equitable here:


Friday 1 February 2013

Just and Equitable Published

Thanks to Custom Book Publications Just and Equitable has been published. It is available for purchase as a paperback at


The ebook version is available soon.

The book is for anyone who has separated, is thinking of separating, wants to sound like an expert when advising someone who is separating, or anyone who wants to have a laugh.

Happy reading.

Monday 28 January 2013

Modern Day Fairy Tale

Do you remember the fairy tales, the ones with predicable endings like Snow White, Rapunzel or Sleeping Beauty? If you do you will remember they had one thing in common, a happy ending.

Let me share with you a more modern day tale, with a happy ending.

A long time ago, well maybe not that long ago, there was a young lady (it is after all a story dear reader), who wanted to be a writer.

And in a way she was a writer, a writer of legal documents. As a lawyer letters needed to be written and legal documents and affidavits drafted. But it was not enough. The young lady dreamt of writing a novel and getting it published.

Time permitting, short stories were written and sent off, with the odd one here and there getting published or receiving an award in a writing competition. The novel however, was still only a dream.

Then one day, maybe a couple of years ago, a trip was taken and the seed for an idea was planted and grew. By the end of the four hour car journey Fozzy had been created, as had the plot and ending for Just and Equitable. A novel was in the making.

All that had to happen now, was to start writing.

The road ahead was rocky, to say the least. Like most things in life, it was not easy nor did it happen quickly. It took time, a long time to finish, edit, rewrite and submit.

And then there were the rejection letters.

But as the saying goes, all good things come to those who wait.

It was two days before Christmas, when the long awaited news came.

They were five sweet words, five glorious words from Custom Book Publications; “We would like to publish your book.”

With only a few days to go before Just and Equitable will be available as a paper back, the young lady still cannot believe the story has a happy ending. But it does.

Happy Reading

Look for Just and Equitable by Tanya Thistleton at:

Monday 10 December 2012

New Year's Resolution

Next Year

It is the same drugs, including amphetamines, ice and alcohol, with the same problems of abuse, sexual and physical and the usual dispute about children and property, with the only difference being the outlook from the office and the sound of the rolling waves, a reminder that this really has been a sea change. 

Sighing Samantha picks up another file. She does not know if she can stand to read more misery. How much misery can one really take in? At least she does not have to lead the live of the people she reads about.

Normally Samantha does not mind going to work. She does not love her work, but tolerates it and does not see herself as a career woman. It is a job that pays the bills, and of course it provides enough income for the occasional holiday. Samantha knows she has it better than most, she at least has options, options of finding another job in another town. But then, deep down she realizes nothing will change. The job will be the same no matter what town she is in.

Max’s words, as he had kissed her that morning, echo in her ears. “It’s only temporary babe, remember that.”

But was it really temporary? The last time they had said it was only temporary she had ended up working for over two years at the small country firm.  And here she was again, having to take a job, a job she would rather not do. Sure, there were others who loved doing this type of work. There were some who probably would not want to do anything else. A shiver ran down her spine as she thought of some of the opponents she had left behind. What would this town be like?

A glance at the clock reminded her she had five more hours before she could call it a day. Five long hours of sitting and reading through files and trying to make a plan of how to best move each matter forward. It was amazing how much detail people insisted they share about their private life.

By the time five o’clock came around Samantha was ready to resign, but she knew she could not. Max needed her to see this job through for a just a little longer. He had promised that next year they would try have a baby. By next year Max thought he would have recovered enough for them to survive on just one income. Next year, would next year really come wondered Samantha? Again she had heard the promise before. Was it four years ago Max had first used the next year line? Maybe, it didn’t matter. She loved him and she would do anything for him, even continue her work as a family lawyer.